Top 5 Resources for Information about Kingsport
Even though we’re living in the Information Age, sometimes finding the latest and most accurate information can be a struggle. Which is why the City of Kingsport has collected all of our top information resources on one page –
Here, you will find answers to questions about city programs, activities, services and initiatives along with our Top 5 resources to keep residents and visitors up to date with what’s going on in the Model City.
Our Top 5 resources for information about Kingsport: – the main website for the City of Kingsport and your first stop when searching for information about services and facilities, everything from paying utility bills and property taxes, applying for a building permit, locating a park or playground and determining you’re your garbage will be collected.
Kingsport Alerts Facebook Page – this social media page provides the latest news and updates on special events, construction projects, traffic alerts, road closures and when city offices and facilities will be closed. Residents, visitors and businesses are encouraged the follow the page and be in the know when your new favorite program or activity is taking place.
ConnectKingsport app – no smart phone would be complete without the ConnectKingsport app installed. With this easy-to-use app residents can quickly report any non-emergency issue in town, from potholes to blown streetlights to roadside litter to missed garbage collection. Download the app from your phone’s app store and be sure to enable push notifications for timely updates.
BMA Highlights Newsletter – the best way to know what the Board of Mayor and Aldermen votes on every month is to sign up for the BMA Highlights Newsletter. Simply go to and at the bottom of the page enter your email address. Following each BMA meeting, you’ll receive an email newsletter containing the meeting highlights, vote tallies, project updates and more.
This is Kingsport – a fun and well-organized website chock full of information about events and activities taking place in Kingsport. The site includes a community calendar, downtown updates, links to shopping and dining establishments as well as our own “Stories to Tell” blog. Sign up for free email or text updates today.