Pollution Prevention for Municipal Operations
The City of Kingsport has developed a program to prevent or reduce pollutant runoff for City operated facilities. Regular inspections are done by a City Stormwater Engineer at these facilities, which include the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Streets and Sanitation, Fleet Maintenance, and Water/Sewer Maintenance.
The City implements a training program for all City employees that are responsible for handling, generation, or storage of materials that are potential pollutants to stormwater. Examples include lubricants, fuels, sand, gravel, soil, salt, pesticide, fertilizer, garbage, trash, clippings, vehicles, and equipment. Activities include park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and stormwater system maintenance. The employee training video “Raincheck, Stormwater Pollution Prevention for MS4s” is used as part of the training program. This video illustrates good housekeeping, spill response, materials management, vehicle fueling and washing and other EPA best management practices.