Streets & Landscaping FAQ
How do I report a sidewalk problem?
You can call our office at (423)229-9451. You can also use the ConnectKingsport app to report them online.
How do I report a pothole?
You can call our office at (423)229-9451. You can also use the ConnectKingsport app to report them online.
When will my street be snow plowed?
The City removes snow based on a priority list. The main roads get cleared before we move into subdivisions. You can call our office at (423)229-9451 for a projected time frame on snow removal.
How do I report a tree problem?
You can call our office at (423)229-9451. You can also use the ConnectKingsport app to report them directly.
How do I report a mowing problem?
You can call our office at (423)229-9451. You can also use the ConnectKingsport app to report them directly.
What is the LEAF LINE?
The LEAF LINE is a way to find out where the leaf collection crews are on any given day, and where we’re projected to be on the following day. The number is (423)224-2429.
How do I know when the city will pick up my leaves?
Leaf Collection begins on October 10th and runs through the week of January 15th. There are six routes that generally progress across city limits from west to east. The amount of leaves collected daily determines how many days it takes to complete all routes. It may take from six to fifteen working days to pick up all routes. Leaves need to be placed at the edge of the street, not in the street. Keep all the leaf piles clean. This will help speed collection times. NO TRASH OR LIMBS, ONLY LEAVES. If you bag your leaves, put them with your yard waste and they will be picked up on your regularly scheduled day.
What are Notable Trees?
The Notable Tree Program is a way to recognize and thank residents who maintain and preserve special trees within the city limits. Trees will be selected based on size and condition, historical interest, or special significance to the area. A tree deemed “notable” will then be placed on the city’s register of notable trees. The owner will receive a certificate and be recognized at the next scheduled Arbor Day celebration. For more information call: (423)229-9451, or (423)392-8814.
What is tree topping?
Tree topping is the excessive removal of all parts of a tree above and beyond a certain height with no regard for the structure and growth pattern of the tree. The practice of topping is so wide spread that many people believe it is the proper way to prune trees. Pruning is the selective removal of certain limbs based on the structure or growth pattern of the tree. Go to http://www.treesaregood.comfor more information on tree topping. Any and all tree maintenance that is on city property is to be done by the city. This includes city owned lots, parks, right of ways, etc. If you need any work done in your area, please contact our office at (423)229-9451.
Where can I find information on the Arboretum?
The Domtar Arboretum at Borden Park is currently a certified level II Tennessee Urban Forestry Council Arboreta. There are over 65 labeled trees which include over 45 different genus and over 65 different species. There is no entry fee and the park is open every day of the year.