Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
The Kingsport MTPO, as required by federal legislation, develops and regularly updates the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP documents how federal funds will be used towards highway and public transportation improvements within the urban area. The projects included in this plan are within the Kingsport MTPO planning boundary which is defined by the 2020 Census Urban Area. All of the projects in the TIP are derived from the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) choose and submit highway or state route improvement projects that are funded using various funding sources including National Highway System, High Priority Projects, Interstate Maintenance, etc. The MTPO, in coordination with State and Federal agencies, has the authority to choose projects for inclusion into this plan using Surface Transportation Block Grant program (STBG) funds. Federal transportation legislation requires an annual listing of projects be published or otherwise made available by the cooperative effort of the State, transit operator, and metropolitan planning organizations for public review. The report shall include a listing of projects of which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding fiscal year, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities.
Click here to view FY2024 Federally Obligated Projects
Click here to view FY2023 Federally Obligated Projects
Click here to view FY2022 Federally Obligated Projects
Click here to view FY2021 Federally Obligated Projects
Click here to view FY2020 Federally Obligated Projects
Click here to view FY2019 Federally Obligated Projects
Summary of Terms
Programmed funds
Funds that have been identified in the TIP for a particular project and phase.
Obligated funds
Funds that have been committed to the project phase by the Federal government.
Programming funds for a project is similar to writing a check from a banking account for the amount of the project phase
listed in the TIP. The funds for a project phase are considered obligated when the check is cashed. Obligating funds for
a project requires several steps at the state and federal government but the funds are officially declared obligated by
the federal government. Therefore, due to delays in project development, project phases can have a check written for
them but funds may never be cashed to the project. This project would remain programmed in the TIP but would not be
obligated. The projects in this report refer to projects that have specific funds obligated for a particular phase of
the project.