Volunteer Services
The non-sworn Volunteer Services Program was established in 1987 with eight active members.
Over the past eighteen years, we have seen the number of volunteers fluctuate between eight and thirty members. The Volunteers provide a very valuable resource to the Kingsport Police Department with the man-hours they supply. Currently, we have averaged eight volunteersthat provide a number of different services including the following:
- Handicapped Parking Enforcement throughout the City and two hour parking violations on Broad Street.
- Administrative Services, (i.e. data entry, receptionist duties, and some courier duty).
- Traffic Control Assistance, Speed Awareness Trailer Display, Traffic Seatbelt Surveys and Greenbelt Safety Patrol.
- Civilian Fingerprinting for non-criminal purposes.
- Public Relations Assistance, (i.e. Neighborhood Watch programs, Homeland Security Programs, Youth Safety Programs using puppets, Child ID kit/gun safety lock distribution, and any other programs approved by the Public Relations Officer.)
- Special Events such as Parades and Fun Fest.
Volunteers are especially needed with clerical work typing police reports and entering citations into the court system. There are never enough people working parking enforcement, where volunteers patrol downtown until 8PM enforcing the two hour limit and citing unauthorized vehicles in handicapped spots.Volunteers occasionally help out the communications officers or jailers when things get busy, but are not given any duties that would put them in harm’s way.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Kingsport Police Department we encourage you to visit the Employment & Volunteer Opportunities page for requirements and application information.