Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
“Illicit” refers to any discharge not entirely composed of stormwater, except as authorized by permit, or resulting from firefighting activities. Kingsport’s Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program includes an Ordinance and an Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) aimed at preventing non-stormwater discharges into the storm sewer system.
Kingsport has Standard Operating Procedures to detect, identify and eliminate non-stormwater discharges throughout the City.
A list has been developed to identify hot spots, or areas where land use/activities will typically generate contaminated runoff. These sites are monitored to ensure that procedures are in effect in order to minimize the potential for spills and prevent pollutants from migrating offsite.
The Wastewater Division has a Fats, Oils, and Grease Program that also protects the storm sewer system.
The City is currently mapping its stormwater infrastructure into a GIS system, including the locations of outfalls, catch basins, and pipes.
Outfalls discharge to a stream and are inspected periodically for the presence of pollutants. A list of surveyed outfall locations is kept for each stream. Outfalls come in a variety of shapes, sizes, materials and conditions.
Damage to water quality can result from illegal dumping, illicit connections to the storm sewer, and improper disposal of waste. In an effort to educate the general public, businesses, and municipal employees about illicit discharges, the City of Kingsport provides this web page and municipal staff training. To assist in our efforts, Sullivan County provides a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. The next one is scheduled for September 28, 2024 from 9:00 – 1:00 at Sullivan Central Middle School.
Anyone can report suspected illicit discharges by calling 423-229-9454. Illicit discharges can also be reported using ConnectKingsport App. Documentation of these reports, responses and resolutions are maintained by the City.
Interagency coordination is fostered for hazardous waste/material spill response and cleanup. The City’s Stormwater Services Division works with the Fire Department’s Hazmat team to ensure that guidelines and procedures are followed. This serves to minimize any damaging effects that spill response activities might have on local water resources.