Love Where You Live.

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Love Where You Live

The Housing Workgroup from the ONEKingsport Community Summit, led by former mayor Jeanette Blazier, focused on the creation of strong neighborhoods. One recommendation to facilitate this accomplishment was the creation of a Neighborhood Commission. The Neighborhood Commission is composed of twelve Kingsport citizens who will advise on and promote initiatives to strengthen neighborhoods and, as needed, provide input to the Board of Mayor and Alderman on the impact of various programs to neighborhoods.

Check out our neighborhood map here!

Meeting Calendar

The Kingsport Neighborhood Commission meets the last Thursday of most months at 6 p.m. in various public locations in Kingsport. All meeting are open to the public, and neighbors are encouraged to come share their thoughts and concerns with the commission.


January 25

Location: Friends in Need (1916 Brookside Drive)

February 29; March 28; April 25

Location: Allandale Mansion

May 30; June 27; July 25*

*Please note – the July 25 meeting has been canceled.

Location: Lynn View Community Center

August 29; September 26; October 24; November 21

Location: V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex

Good Neighbor Opportunities

The Kingsport Neighborhood Commission seeks to improve all of Kingpsport’s neighborhoods and the quality of life of all the neighbors who live in them. One great way to help with that mission is through volunteer work. Visit Volunteer Kingsport for more information on opportunities to help your neighbors in need.

Commission Members
Good Neighbor Contact

If you have questions or need to contact the Neighborhood Commission, please click here: Neighborhood Commission.