Property Tax Search
To review your property taxes for the City of Kingsport, please visit Click2Gov.
Property values are assessed as of January 1 of each year. Assessment values are determined by the county and approved by the state. City tax statements are mailed between mid September and mid October each year after approval is received from the state. Property taxes are due by November 30 each year. A tax relief program is available to eligible elderly and/or disabled homeowners who meet certain income limits. All unpaid property taxes become delinquent on December 1. A penalty of 2% is imposed on unpaid property taxes as of December 1. Another 2% penalty is imposed as of January 1 and an additional penalty of 1% is imposed for each month thereafter until paid. Property tax payments may be mailed, dropped in the night deposit box or paid at the Customer Service Center located in City Hall at 415 Broad Street.