City of Kingsport, Tennessee
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Bays Mountain Park receives $150,000 grant for park repairs

The City of Kingsport is pleased to announce Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium has been awarded a $150,000 grant from the Tennessee State Museum. This Capital Maintenance and Improvement Grant will be used to help the park recover from the…
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Kingsport Carousel reopens to the public

The popular downtown attraction was closed for routine maintenance After being closed for approximately one month, the City of Kingsport is pleased to announce the Kingsport Carousel has reopened to the public. The carousel and gift shop…
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Kingsport Public Library hosting seed swap event next week

Calling all green thumbs and garden enthusiasts. The Kingsport Public Library will be hosting a seed swap event next week at the Kingsport Farmers Market. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on February 15. Come downtown to swap…


Current Month


07feb2:00 pm3:00 pmHerpetarium Keeper Talk

07feb7:00 pm9:00 pmBays Mountain Astronomy Club Meeting

07feb7:00 pm11:00 pmThe Salty Moondogs @ Gypsy Cider

07feb8:00 pm11:00 pmRailway Express @ Kingsport Moose

07feb8:00 pm11:30 pmGraystone @ CJs Sports Bar

For more events going on in Kingsport, visit the This Is Kingsport events calendar!

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