KCS Seeks Input for Grant Application
KINGSPORT ‚¬- Kingsport City Schools is seeking input regarding possible school partnership opportunities with mental health services, juvenile court and community organizations.
The school system is currently developing an application for the federal Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools Grants for the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems competition. This program provides grants of up to $400,000 for the purpose of increasing student access to quality mental health care by developing innovative programs that link school systems with local mental health systems.
As part of the grant application, Kingsport City Schools is asking parents, staff, and community members to complete a brief survey offered at www.k12k.com. The survey contains three brief questions, asking participants to submit ideas as to how to best serve students.
For more information, contact KCS Grant Writer Ginger Keller-Ferguson at (423) 378-4056.