K.P.D. Wins Division in TN G.H.S.O. Law Enforcement Challenge
KINGSPORT – On August 20, 2015, the Tennessee Department of Safety and the Tennessee Governors Highway Safety Office announced the winners of the 11th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge.‚ Participating law enforcement agencies are categorized according to the size of the department.‚ In the 101-200 officer division, the Kingsport Police Department won first place.
The Law Enforcement Challenge is an annual competition designed to recognize and reward the best overall traffic safety programs across the state.‚ Similar sizes and types of agencies are judged on their local efforts to enforce laws and educate the public about impaired driving, speeding, and occupant protection.‚ The winning safety programs combine officer training, public information, and enforcement to reduce crashes and injuries within their jurisdiction.
This goes far beyond which agency issued the most citations, said Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner John Schroer.‚ These departments have identified specific traffic safety issues in their community, addressed those issues in innovative ways, and are now being thanked and awarded for their success.
Over the last decade, we have seen the number of traffic fatalities in Tennessee reduce by over a third, said Governors Highway Safety Office Director Kendell Poole.‚ It is an honor to recognize the agencies that work on the front lines of traffic safety.‚ We appreciate their tireless efforts to assure that motorists arrive at their destinations safely.