East Tennessee State University Joins Kingsport Center Higher Education
The Higher Education Commission and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen met to approve East Tennessee State University officially joining the Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE).
ETSU has a long history of success in Kingsport with both the Allandale campus and Press Building campus in downtown Kingsport. Success in both locations has led to ETSU’s decision to join KCHE. The approved agreement will take effect July 1, 2017.
The City of Kingsport and the Kingsport Higher Education Commission have been working with representatives from East Tennessee State University since the fall of 2016 to bring the regional university to KCHE. The conversation, however, began many years ago under former Mayor Jeanette Blazier’s leadership. She noted that ETSU coming to Kingsport was “a dream come true”, and Mayor Dennis Phillips echoed the sentiment. Phillips went on to say, “This is one of the greatest things to ever happen to Kingsport.”
Dr. Noland said, “The strength of this milestone is a testament to our longstanding partnership with the City of Kingsport. This is a day people will remember for a long time.”
John Williams, Kingsport Higher Education Chair, said, “The Higher Education Commission and the leadership at East Tennessee State University have worked diligently and aggressively for us to be where we are today. This is not the end of the higher education journey for Kingsport, but it is a significant milestone along the way.”
The Kingsport Academic Village consists of five buildings with the KCHE serving as one of them. Administered by Northeast State Community College, the center combines the resources of King University, Lincoln Memorial University, Milligan College, Northeast State Community College and now, ETSU, all under one roof. Students are able to earn selected baccalaureate and graduate degrees from participating colleges and universities as well as associate degrees from Northeast State.
For more information regarding the Kingsport Academic Village and class offerings, please go to www.LearnKingsport.com.