Bays Mountain Park offers bear safety tips
Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium is offering residents some simple advice if you happen to encounter a black bear within the city limits.
“Leave them alone and don’t feed them,” said Megan Krager, manager of Bays Mountain Park. “The only reason they’re coming into our area is because they can smell the tasty treats we have around our homes.”
Given Kingsport’s close proximity to Bays Mountain, it’s not uncommon to see a black bear wandering through such nearby neighborhoods like Ridgefields, Sullivan Gardens and Meadowview.
A black bear was recently spotted running around Lynn Garden; another one near Brookside Drive.
“We are getting calls of bears popping up in the neighborhoods and we’re also getting reports of bear sightings throughout the park,” Krager said. “We even saw a juvenile bear in the parking lot of the park, which is a first for me.”
Park officials speculate the harsh freeze that occurred back in May could have had an impact on the amount of vegetation in the forest for bears to forage on. This is causing some bears to look for alternative sources of food and when that happens, the bears tend to get closer to human activity.
“Bears are going to take any opportunity they can to find a tasty meal. Garbage cans, bird feeders, food dishes…anything that smells good to bears, they’ll find a way to get into it,” Krager said.
The City of Kingsport does not come out and manage bears. Neither does Petworks Animal Services or the Kingsport Police Department. The best thing to do if you encounter a bear is leave it alone and give it plenty of distance, Krager said.
“If you happen to see bear cubs in the area, take a look around real quick or look up into a tree. Nine times out of 10, there’s going to be a mother nearby,” Krager said. “And you don’t want to get between a mother and her cubs.”
Here’s some helpful tips when dealing with black bears.
– Leave them alone and give them plenty of space.
– The best way to scare off a bear is to make noise by banging on something or yelling.
– If you have a compost pile, pour some lime or wood ash on it. It helps contain the odors.
– Keep your trash cans locked in a garage or other building during the night.
– Pour a small amount of ammonia in the bottom of your garbage cans. The smell will help drive away bears and other animals.
– Bird feeders and pet food should be brought inside at night and outdoor grills should be stored inside a garage.
– Try and locate gardens, orchards, pet kennels and bee hives a safe distance from your house.