Spring Garden Party at Allandale Mansion
Allandale Mansion will hold a Spring Garden Party later this month. The parties will be held on two days – May 30 and May 31 – from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $25 and advance registration is required. The event is recommended for ages 10 and under and guests are encouraged to wear their best spring outfit.
During the event, guests will make an artificial flower arrangement to take home while enjoying a snack and a glass of fruit “tea”. Photo opportunities will also be available.
An adult must remain with the child during the event. There is no ticket charge for the accompanying adult, but they will not receive a snack nor do a craft.
To register for either party, click on the CivicRec link in the Connect Kingsport app or visit www.kingsporttn.gov and click on the “CivicRec” link. Then enter “Tea Party” in the search bar.
For more information about Allandale Mansion visit www.allandalemansion.com