Notice of Public Meeting
There will be a Public Meeting of the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) Executive Board on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 1:30 P.M. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order 51 in Tennessee and HB29/30 in Virginia, the meeting will be held electronically with no physical access permitted by the public. Executive Board members are not required to be physically present in one location. Board members attending the meeting by electronic or telephonic means will be counted in the quorum and will be entitled to vote. All votes will be taken by roll call. Copies of the agenda and supporting documentation can be found here. The primary items for this meeting include a Resolution of Support for Kingsport’s Multimodal Access Grant application, Amendment to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan, Amendments to the FY20-23 TIP, Amendment to the Executive Board and Technical Coordinating Committee Bylaws, and an update on the Kingsport Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Time is also allotted for the Executive Board to receive comments and questions on these or other items pertaining to the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization. Members of the public can access the meeting by sending an email to to request the log in information for the meeting. In order to allow time to respond, your request must be received by 12:00 pm on August 6, 2020. Disabled citizens wishing to attend and needing special accommodations or anyone seeking further information on the MTPO meeting should contact William A. Albright at (423) 224-2677. For persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact VDOT’s Civil Rights Division at 804-786-2085 or by mail 1401 E Broad St, Richmond, Virginia 23219. In Tennessee you may contact TDOT’s Civil Rights Office at (615) 714-3169. If you have a hearing or speech disability or use a TTD please use the FCC 711 dialing code to access a Telecommunications Relay Service to forward your comment. Kingsport MTPO ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Si usted necesita la traducción por favor entre en contacto con el MTPO en por el teléfono en 423-224-2677.