Kingsport Has The Only ATRA In The World
Kingsport’s Frank L Cloud Park houses the only Active Transportation Rest Area (ATRA) in the world. An ATRA is a station of structures usually containing a water station, shelter, seating and a bicycle air pump. These stations provide individuals who are exercising and spending time outdoors the ability to relax in the shade and rehydrate.
ATRAs are an original Kingsport Development Services concept that was made into a reality. The Kingsport Development Services is department responsible for city planning, building and community development.
The first ATRA was installed at Kingsport Frank L Cloud Park in December 2015. Through the Tennessee Department of Transportation Multimodal Grant Kingsport received in 2015, four ATRA installations will be installed throughout the city.
Development Services has purchased three additional bicycle air pumps. Installation of these air pumps includes The Barking Lot, the Exchange Place Greenbelt access point and Riverwalk Park near Netherland Inn. Additionally at Riverwalk Park, a bicycle work station will be installed to compliment the bike pump.
ATRAs are a flexible concept, as many different outdoor necessities can be added. They are expected to become very popular in Kingsport space as ATRAs were mentioned in ONEKingsport post-summit workgroups. Popular add-ons during public demonstrations have included solar powered charging stations for electronic devices, equipment repair station for bikes or skateboards, and editable landscaping such as vegetables and fruits.
Tennessee Department of Transportation representatives have expressed an interest in statewide implementation of ATRAs. The City of Kingsport is proud to offer ATRAs in an effort to keep pushing our city to be a healthier place through outdoor activities.