Fall: The Ideal Time to Learn to Swim
Many people think about swim lessons for their children when summer has already started. But did you know if you participate in swim lessons in the fall, the classes are smaller and less crowded? Your child will also receive more one-on-one attention due to the smaller class size.
Swim lessons at the Kingsport Aquatic Center are offered year round. Each session includes eight classes. If you’re unsure which class your child needs, a swim test is offered and can help determine the correct class based on current skills.
If you’re an Aquatic Center or YMCA member, it is $50 for the first child and $45 for additional children. If you’re not a member, but would still like your child to participate in swim lessons, it is $60 for the first child and $55 for additional children.
For more information, please visit www.swimkingsport.com. Registration is available online or you may call the Aquatic Center at 423-343-9758 to sign up your child.