City of Kingsport Has Exceptional Water
Not only do the Kingsport water divisions receive excellence awards, but they also go above and beyond to ensure that Kingsport water meets or exceeds all drinking water standards. Your drinking water is regulated not just by the city, but also by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the Environmental protection Agency (EPA).
The City of Kingsport’s water comes from the South Fork Holston River. The goal is to protect our water from containments and with the help of the state, decrease the vulnerability of our water source to potential contamination.
On a regular basis, the Kingsport Water Department monitors for over 80 regulated contaminants to make sure your drinking water is safe. All the water that is tested is found to contain few contaminants, of which are found to be at the lowest possible levels. This is a sign that our water and wastewater plants are functioning efficiently and successfully.
The Kingsport water departments are proud to report that Kingsport’s water meets or surpasses all EPA and state health regulations. For more information on Kingsport’s water or to learn more about the water department, please call 423-229-9470.