On 07/31/2023 at 10:41 AM a crash with property damage that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of MEMORIAL BLVD // OREBANK RD. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 230731-0085
A previously reported crash in the area of 1530 WAVERLY RD has been cleared. CAD_Call 230731-0054
On 07/31/2023 at 07:53 AM a roadway closure that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of REEDY CREEK RD // WESTMORELAND AVE. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 230731-0056
On 07/31/2023 at 07:54 AM a crash that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of 1530 WAVERLY RD. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 230731-0054
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A previously reported roadway hazard in the area of REEDY CREEK RD // OVERLOOK RD has been cleared. CAD_Call 230731-0034
There will be a Public Meeting of the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) Executive Board on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the Kingsport City Hall Montgomery-Watterson Boardroom at 415 Broad Street in Kingsport, Tennessee. Copies of the agenda and supporting documentation can be found in the MTPO office, the Kingsport Public Library, the lobby of Kingsport City Hall, or here. The primary items for this meeting include consideration of the FY24 & FY25 Unified Planning Work Program and ranking of projects for TDOT to consider funding through the Transportation Modernization Act. Time is also allotted for the Executive Board to receive comments on these or other items pertaining to the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization. The meeting will be in-person and members of the public are welcome to attend. We also plan to offer live public access to the meeting through a Zoom webinar. Members of the public who are interested in attending remotely should register in advance using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FB0DII-ZRLeXV2TZMC8Mew. Disabled citizens wishing to attend and needing special accommodations or anyone seeking further information on the MTPO meeting should contact the MTPO at (423) 224-2670. For persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact VDOT’s Civil Rights Division at 804-786-2085 or by mail 1401 E Broad St, Richmond, Virginia 23219. In Tennessee you may contact TDOT’s Civil Rights Office at (615) 714-3169. If you have a hearing or speech disability or use a TTD please use the FCC 711 dialing code to access a Telecommunications Relay Service to forward your comment. Kingsport MTPO ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Si usted necesita la traducción por favor entre en contacto con el MTPO en por el teléfono en 423-224-2670.
Registration for the fall season of the Kingsport Miracle League is now open with games beginning August 26.
Kingsport’s Miracle League is for special needs children and young adults who wish to play our nation’s pastime. The games are played at Kingsport’s Miracle Complex (2017 Brickyard Park Drive).
The league has two co-ed divisions: ages 18 and up and ages 17 and under – and the season runs concurrently with the city’s other youth baseball leagues. The city will be accepting new players on opening day: ages 17 and under can register at 10 a.m.; ages 18 and up at noon.
You can register online at the following link – https://bit.ly/3OoNYQ6
The season runs until October 7 with games held every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Games typically run two to three innings or about an hour in length. Jerseys are provided at no cost and there is no fee to participate in the league.
Kingsport’s Miracle Complex has a baseball field about a third of the size of a normal field, and instead of grass or artificial turf, it has a flat, rubberized surface. The mound and all of the bases are flush so wheelchair users and amputees can travel over the surface more easily and safely.
Typically, more than 100 players participate each season in the Kingsport Miracle League.
For more information about Kingsport’s parks and playgrounds, visit kingsportparksandrecreation.org. For more information about Miracle Leagues, visit www.miracleleague.com.
On 07/31/2023 at 05:44 AM a roadway hazard that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of REEDY CREEK RD // OVERLOOK RD. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 230731-0034
A previously reported stranded motorist in the area of 3200 FORT HENRY DR has been cleared. CAD_Call 230731-0021