The Return of the Glow Nerf Battle
Back by popular demand, Kingsport’s Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a one-day Glow Nerf Battle this Saturday (April 2) at the Lynn View Community Center (257 Walker Street).
This will be the second Glow Nerf event the department has held in recent months. The battle will take place on April 2 from 7 to 9 p.m.
The event is free and open to all families. All participants must come prepared for battle with their own personal Nerf blaster of choice, and everyone is encouraged to wear bright, colorful clothing to glow vividly in the neon arena.
Four-thousand special glow-in-the-dark Nerf darts will be provided for the duration of the battle.
“The Glow Nerf Battle has been one of our most requested events from the public,” said Kingsport Parks and Recreation Administrator Travis Sensabaugh. “So come on out, lock and load and battle through the evening with glowing neon colors lighting your way.”
Glow events are when participants wear neon or white clothes, the lights to a gym are turned off and the black lights are turned on. Everyone then “glows” in the dark while running around and playing a game.
For more information call 423-343-9723.