Road Closures for Sept. 25 Racks by the Tracks Festival
The 13th annual Racks by the Tracks Festival and SPF 10K and 5K road races will be held on Saturday, September 25. In preparation for the festival, Clinchfield Street from West Center Street to Press Street will close on Friday, September 24, beginning at 2 p.m. All lanes of traffic will be closed and will remain closed for the duration of the event on Saturday evening.
In addition to the Clinchfield Street closure, several road closures will occur on Saturday for the SPF 10K & 5K road races, starting at 9 and 10:30 a.m. respectively.
Road closures will start around 7 a.m., the downtown area will be accessible until the beginning of the race, then expect temporary delays as police officers work vehicles through these areas as it is safe to do so. The affected streets include but are not limited to:
- West Center Street
- Clay Street
- New Street
- Press Street
- Clinchfield Street
- West Sullivan Street
- Main Street
- Market Street
Please see the attached map for the race route.
Customers wanting to visit downtown Kingsport businesses during this time are asked to use caution as they approach the closures listed below:
- West Center St/Clinchfield St
- Center St/Sullivan St
- Clinchfield St/Market St
Road closures for the race will be lifted at the conclusion of the final race.
We ask all vehicle traffic traveling in downtown Kingsport during this time be extra vigilant for runners. For more information, please contact Kristie Leonard at 423-224-2821 or