Organization of Watauga Libraries Changing to New Catalog System
The Organization of Watauga Libraries (OWL)*, which includes Kingsport Public Library, is changing its catalog and circulation system from SirsiDynix to The Library Corporation’s (TLC) Library Solution software. The new system will be available to library users beginning Wednesday, March 2.
Kingsport Public Library will be closed for the final data migration on Monday, February 28. OWL member library users, including Kingsport Public Library users, will not be able to place materials on hold from Friday, February 25 through Wednesday, March 2.
“The new TLC catalog will be easier for users to navigate and will provide a better experience,” said Kingsport Public Library Manager Chris Markley. “We cannot wait to share TLC with the community.”
TLC’s catalog system is mobile-friendly and includes new interactive features for users. For example, users can add subject and genre tags to materials to help others find them. TLC also offers automatically generated recommendations related to the titles that users view.
Citizens will not need to get new library cards when the switch to TLC is made. All current holds, including holds on digital materials, will automatically transfer to the new system.
All Kingsport Public Library users are encouraged to stop by the library’s Circulation Desk after March 1 to ensure that their account information transferred properly to TLC.
For more information about Kingsport Public Library, please visit or call (423)-224-2539.
*The Organization of Watauga Libraries (OWL) is a collaborative of public libraries that serves the northeast Tennessee area of Carter, Greene, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi and Washington counties. Libraries that are part of OWL share a catalog system in which users can borrow books from other member libraries.