Main Street Rebuild – Main & Sullivan Street Intersection
The City of Kingsport will begin final improvements in the vicinity of the Main Street/Sullivan Street intersection on Monday, June 10. Summers Taylor will be the contractors performing this work for the city.
The final work on Sullivan Street includes demolition and rebuild of existing sidewalk and curb and gutter on the northern side/downtown in-bound traffic lane. This concrete work will take approximately two weeks and the in-bound lane will be closed for this duration. Out-bound traffic from downtown will still be allowed during this concrete work.
After the concrete work is complete, both lanes of Sullivan Street will require closure to allow for asphalt paving and asphalt striping/markings. The paving and marking work is expected to take approximately one week.
The construction zones and detours (when and where applicable) will be marked by signs, and flaggers will be directing traffic when necessary. Drivers are asked to use caution in the area during this time.
If you have any questions, please contact Hank Clabaugh with the City of Kingsport Engineering Division at 423-229-9324. Thanks for your cooperation during this improvement project.