Kingsport opens new Recycling Convenience Center for residents
The City of Kingsport is pleased to announce the opening of a new and larger convenience center for residents to drop off recyclables in a safer, more controlled environment.
The facility is located at 300 Industry Drive and essentially replaces the old location on Industry Drive closer to Netherland Inn Road.
The new convenience center will include Sullivan County’s recycling containers and a Kingsport container for small amounts of construction debris. Items accepted at this location include cardboard, mixed paper, aluminum and tin.
Additional holiday garbage (boxes, bags and wrapping paper) will be accepted at the new convenience center from December 23 through January 4. In order to be better stewards of the environment, this is the preferred method of disposing of extra holiday garbage during the gift giving season.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call 423-229-9451.
The convenience center will be manned by a city employee and be open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Note – No items can be dropped off outside of operating hours.
Additional recycling drop-off sites in Kingsport include the demolition landfill (1921 Brookside Lane), the Civic Auditorium, Sullivan Gardens Drive and in Colonial Heights (101 Lakecrest Drive).
For more information about Kingsport’s recycling convenience centers, please visit