Kingsport Holiday Changes: Garbage & Trash/Yardwaste
The City of Kingsport will be adjusting garbage routes due to the Christmas holiday. There will be no changes associated with New Year’s Day. Please see the changes below:
Garbage changes will be as follows:
Friday, December 25, there will be no pickup.
Saturday, December 26, crews will pick up Friday’s route. Due to icy conditions, Friday route pick-up has been delayed to Monday, Dec. 28.
Friday, January 1, crews will pick up normal route.
This will include the black and blue-lidded carts due to the pause of the recycle pickups. All garbage and recycle carts are currently being picked up with the same truck.
Trash/Yardwaste changes will be as follows:
Friday, December 25, there will be no pickup.
Saturday, December 26, crews will pick up Friday’s route. Due to icy conditions, Friday route pick-up has been delayed to Monday, Dec. 28.
Friday, January 1, crews will pick up normal route.
City landfill changes will be as follows: The landfill will be closed on Friday, December 25 and Saturday, December 26 as well as Friday, January 1 and Saturday, January 2. The landfill will return to normal hours of operation beginning the week of Monday, January 4, 2021.
During the week of December 28 thru January 1, the city will be picking up additional holiday garbage (boxes and bags) placed outside the cart. Garbage must be placed in bags or be boxed.