Journey to Space at Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium
Take a trip to the planet closest to the Sun this fall at Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium! Two new shows begin at the planetarium on September 3.
The main feature for September through November 10 will be “The Transit of Mercury featuring ‘Solar Quest.’” This is a unique showing in the planetarium theater, beginning with a short from Buhl Planetarium all about the Sun. Then visitors will learn about Mercury and the upcoming Mercury transit on November 11 from a live presentation created by Bays Mountain Planetarian, Jason Dorfman. The live content is rich with great full-dome animations, use of the Carl Zeiss ZKP-4 star projector, and a fun activity! The show runs about 40 minutes. Park guests are also invited to a viewing of the Mercury Transit on November 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The alternate show for September and October will be “Appalachian Skies – Fall.” This live presentation is about the current spring night sky. Learn what fascinating constellations and planets you might be able to see from your own backyard. This program highlights the spectacular Carl Zeiss ZKP-4 star projector instrument, which generates a fiber-optic star field that’s stunning to see. Bring your binoculars for deep-sky exploration! This show runs approximately 35 minutes.
Quick guide to Bays Mountain’s Planetarium
Main Show – Tuesday-Friday at 4 p.m. | Saturday & Sunday at 1 & 4 p.m.
Alternate Show – Saturday & Sunday at 2 p.m.
Tickets: $5 for non-members, free for members and children under 6
Don’t forget—every Saturday and Sunday through October, visit the dam for SunWatch from 3 to 3:30 p.m. Look through a telescope to witness the Sun up close and in detail. You may even see a sunspot, a dark patch on the Sun’s photosphere that’s usually at least the size of the Earth!
To learn more about Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium, call 423-229-9447 or visit