City Hall and Public Facing Departments to Close Locations
Within the public facing departments, important services to the citizens of Kingsport will be altered at noon today, March 23, to take precautions with the current COVID-19 pandemic. These alterations are expected to be in place for at least the next 6-8 weeks, to protect both employees and residents.
Kingsport City Hall – Customer Service
The customer service center will close to the public at noon. Please review the changes below.
- For customers who need new service, customer service will work with the customer to get the needed documentation through email and text. Call 423-343-9860.
- Utility payments can be made in person at the Justice Center. Enter through the main entrance, and you will be directed to the correct window.
- Customers have several other options available to pay their utility bills. Kingsport encourages the use of these during this time.
- Pay online at the city website
- Pay over the phone by calling 423-343-9860.
- Drop box located outside city hall.
- Mail to PO Box 880, Kingsport, TN 37662 or 225 W. Center Street, Kingsport, TN 37660
Improvement Building – Building, Development Services, Code Enforcement
For customers that need permits, inspections, planning and zoning or code enforcement, please follow the guidelines below. All the departments listed below can be found on the city website,
- For new permits, please call 423-229-9393 or use the online permit application found here.
- For planning and zoning, please call 423-229-9485.
- For code enforcement, please call 423-224-2633.
- For metro planning organization, please call 423-229-9332.
- For public works administration, please call 423-224-2465.
Sullivan County Offices located in City Hall
The offices located in City Hall are the Sullivan County Clerk, Chancery Court and Law Court. For more information, please contact the offices directly.
- Sullivan County Clerk: 423-224-1726
- Chancery Court: 423-224-1790
- Law Court: 423-224-1724
For more information, please visit