Bays Mountain Park receives $100,000 state tourism grant
The City of Kingsport has received a $100,000 Tennessee Tourism Enhancement Grant from the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. The proceeds from the grant will go toward the restoration of the observation tower at Bays Mountain Park.
TDTD recently awarded 29 communities across Tennessee more than $2.2 million in Tourism Enhancement Grants. Kingsport was one of three cities and counties in Northeast Tennessee to receive such a grant.
The observation tower sits on top of Bays Mountain and is located on Bays Mountain Road approximately one half mile from the Nature Center. Over the years, weather and usage have taken its toll on the tower. The restoration project calls for new railing and decking to be installed and reinforcing the structure of the tower.
The grant requires a 30% match from the City of Kingsport, which will come from donations and pledges from Friends of Bays, the Fox family and the Bays Mountain Park Commission. Kingsport currently has $90,000 in donations and pledges. The estimated cost of the project is $177,000.
“Bays Mountain Park is excited to receive funding from this competitive grant program,” said Park Manager Megan Krager. “After these much-needed renovations, we’re hoping the observation tower will become as popular an attraction with our guests as the fire tower.”
For information about Bays Mountain Park and its attractions, please visit