Call for Projects – FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
The Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) is in the process of developing a new Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for fiscal years 2020-2023. The TIP is a four-year financially constrained priority list of projects within the MTPO planning area funded with federal, state, and local dollars. This is the opportunity to submit potential projects to be funded with Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds. Most projects require a 20 percent local match and shall be sponsored by a governmental entity that can demonstrate a financial commitment to the project. Completed applications must be received by the MTPO no later than April 5, 2019. To be eligible for funding, projects must be included in the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan. Chapter 7 of the plan includes project recommendations and can be found on the MTPO’s website by following this link: