On 10/24/2022 at 12:47 PM a stranded motorist that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of E CENTER ST // E SULLIVAN ST. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 221024-0130
A previously reported crash with property damage in the area of Mile Marker 2 – Interstate 26 has been cleared. CAD_Call 221024-0099
A previously reported crash with property damage in the area of FAIRVIEW AVE // LAKE ST has been cleared. CAD_Call 221024-0044
On 10/24/2022 at 11:17 AM a crash with property damage that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of Mile Marker 2 – Interstate 26. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 221024-0099
There will be a Public Meeting of the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) Executive Board on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 1:30 pm in the Kingsport City Hall Board Room at 415 Broad Street in Kingsport, Tennessee. Copies of the agenda and supporting documentation can be found at the Kingsport Public Library, the lobby of City Hall, the MTPO office, or here. The primary items for this meeting include adoption of the FY23-26 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), annual ranking of priority projects, adoption of the Local Road Safety Plan, and the FY22 federal funds obligation report. Time is also allotted for the Executive Board to receive comments on these or other items pertaining to the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization. The meeting will be in-person and members of the public are welcome to attend. We also plan to offer live public access to the meeting through a Zoom webinar. Members of the public who are interested in attending remotely should send an email to MTPO@KingsportTN.gov to request the log in information for the meeting. In order to allow time to respond, your request must be received by 12:00 pm on November 2, 2022. Disabled citizens wishing to attend and needing special accommodations or anyone seeking further information on the MTPO meeting should contact the MTPO at (423) 224-2670. For persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact VDOT’s Civil Rights Division at 804-786-2085 or by mail 1401 E Broad St, Richmond, Virginia 23219. In Tennessee you may contact TDOT’s Civil Rights Office at (615) 714-3169. If you have a hearing or speech disability or use a TTD please use the FCC 711 dialing code to access a Telecommunications Relay Service to forward your comment. Kingsport MTPO ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Si usted necesita la traducción por favor entre en contacto con el MTPO en por el teléfono en 423-224-2670.
A previously reported crash with property damage in the area of E MAIN ST // ISLAND ST has been cleared. CAD_Call 221024-0054
On 10/24/2022 at 09:04 AM a roadway closure that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of AMBLESIDE RD // HARWICH PL. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 221024-0056
On 10/24/2022 at 09:01 AM a crash with property damage that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of E MAIN ST // ISLAND ST. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 221024-0054
Two new bobcats have officially arrived safe and sound at Bays Mountain Park. Their long, cross-country journey is over and both kittens are already getting acclimated to their new home at the park.
Bays Mountain Park staff would like to formally introduce you to “Carter” and “Cash.”
Now that the bobcat brothers have arrived at the park, they will be placed in quarantine while park rangers work to get them accustomed to people and their new environment. Park staff have been working on adding several additions to the bobcat habitat to provide both safety and enrichment for the bobcats. An announcement will be made to the public once the two bobcats are settled into their new habitat and ready for visitors.
The bobcats have been described as ‘best buds’ and ‘very sweet’ so park staff are eager to start working with the two brothers. Before being placed with Bays Mountain Park, the bobcats were raised in captivity in Montana. They were born at an accredited zoological facility on May 3, 2022, and were two of a litter of four. Their two sisters will be serving as animal ambassadors at another facility.
“We are very excited to house two new bobcats at Bays Mountain,” said Tyler Wicks, chief ranger. “It is an amazing opportunity to educate the public about this elusive and secretive cat that is native to our area. We hope they will live long and happy lives here like all of the bobcats we have housed previously.” Follow along for more bobcat news on the Bays Mountain Park Facebook page and Instagram.
On 10/24/2022 at 08:20 AM a crash with property damage that could possibly create traffic congestion has been reported in the area of FAIRVIEW AVE // LAKE ST. Motorists should consider an alternate route to avoid potential delays. Anyone already in the area is asked to be patient, use caution, and obey all traffic instructions. CAD_Call 221024-0044