The Hero In You Foundation provideing scholarships to honor Buster Watts
KINGSPORT – This Fall, when school begins, in memory of Buster Watts, The Hero in You Foundation will provide three scholarships, each of $250, to the elementary classrooms who write the best description of a person who is a hero to them.‚ ‚ A selection of work will be exhibited in The Gallery at City Hall and/or the Atrium Gallery at the Renaissance Arts Center.‚ The 3 winning essays will be selected by the Kingsport Fire Department.
Buster recently worked with Bunni & Rick Benaron who created The Hero in You Foundation which is dedicated to honoring the heroes in our lives and inspiring kids to want to be a hero in their own life.‚ Kingsport is part of the ‚¬Dalmatian Nation and friendly red and black Dalmatian sculpture, designed by Karen and Tony Barone, can be found at Fire Station #1 on Island Street in Downtown Kingsport.
Buster Watts was a beloved member of the Kingsport community, a longtime art supporter and an avid community volunteer. Buster died on May 26 after a lifetime of service to his community.‚ He will be sorely missed.‚ ‚ Teachers wishing to have their students participate are encouraged to get details of the program from the Kingsport Office of Cultural Arts and Kingsport Fire Department.