The 100 Mile Swim Club Continues the ‘Ultimate ‘Swim’ Trip’
Last year, the Kingsport Aquatic Center’s 100 Mile Swim Club set off on the Ultimate “Swim” Trip, its biggest challenge to date. The journey continues in 2020, and the KAC wants your help to make it to the finish line!
The original route is a 13,580 mile loop that stretches from Acadia National Park in Maine to the San Andreas Fault in California and every major U.S. landmark in between. Participants worked together to “travel” across the country and hit as many of the 50 landmarks as possible before the end of 2019. The results are in: the 100 Mile Swim Club covered more than 6,500 miles and visited 20 landmarks!
“We don’t quit,” said KAC assistant director Chassy Smiley, “so we decided to continue the challenge into 2020. The club has really enjoyed this theme and learning about each landmark along the way, so we thought, why stop?”
There’s another 7,000 miles and 30 landmarks to swim to this year. Participants will swim at their own pace throughout 2020, and the KAC staff will keep track of individuals’ miles and the club’s collective progress. A map in the KAC lobby displays the entire route as well as fun facts about what landmark the club has made it to most recently.
If this challenge sounds daunting, remember the 100 Mile Swim Club’s motto: Every mile counts, every yard matters! The Ultimate “Swim” Trip is possible only through collective effort.
Interested swimmers can join the club for $10 for KAC members and $20 for nonmembers. All participants will receive a 2020 100 Mile Swim Club t-shirt, and anyone may join at any time throughout the year.
To sign up for the 100 Mile Swim Club, visit the Kingsport Aquatic Center front desk or call (423)343-9758. For more information about the 100 Mile Swim Club, visit