Synthetic Drugs: What You Should Know
Many synthetic drugs do not have the ingredients on their packaging, list false ingredients or fail to include the synthetic compounds.‚ There is no oversight of the manufacturing process.‚ The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported 303 exposures to bath salts in 2010 and 4,720 exposures between January 1 and August 31, 2011.‚ Some of these products are sold in our county and all can be obtained on the Internet.‚ Clear distinctions between synthetics terminology is not widely understood, nor is the terminology used consistently.‚ This information sheet is meant to increase awareness about these products.
These powders are marketed as bath salts but are not salts for bath water. They contain methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) or‚ methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), powerful mood altering stimulants. These substances are currently banned by the DEA and have been outlawed by the European Union since 2010. They are consumed by smoking or snorting. Users claim a more social and interactive feeling, which can lead to hallucinations and profound paranoia.
Forms of synthetic cannabinoids, marketed as types of home air‚ fresheners, or herbal incense are not regulated by the FDA. Risks of severe psychiatric complications may be more likely to occur because the type and amount of cannabinoid can vary considerably from batch to batch, even within the same product. Addiction is a strong possibility. Innovation in manufacturing of these products quickly outdates current product lists.
K2, K3 or Spice is a chemical compound that is three to five times more potent than THC. It is typically sold in small, silvery plastic bags of dried leaves and marked as incense that can be smoked. The active chemical compound decreases body temperature, leave the body unable to feel certain stimuli, increase heart rate and blood pressure. It appears to be stored in body for a long period of time. Synthetic marijuana products are usually smoked in joints or pipes, but some users make it into a tea.
Mephedrone is labeled and sold as plant bard.‚ It is distributed in capsule form. Users break apart the capsule and snort or smoke the exposed powder. Insomnia, hypertension, vasoconstriction and sweating, as well as psychotic-like symptoms, cardiac dysrhythmias, seizures and renal problems have been reported.
In addition to chemically created synthetic drugs, several products use natural ingredients to mimic the effects of certain drugs.‚ They contain 7.8‚ mg. of melatonin (approximately 0.2 mg. will induce sleep in the average adult). These products can cause impairment to the central nervous system, trouble breathing and nausea.
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