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The Board of Mayor and Aldermen is the elected governing body of the City of Kingsport and is responsible for approving such things as the annual budget, city ordinances, major projects and the hiring of the city manager.
The seven-member board includes Mayor Pat Shull, Vice Mayor Colette George and Aldermen Betsy Cooper, Darrell Duncan, Paul Montgomery, Tommy Olterman and James Phillips.
Kingsport’s Public Information and Communication Department wants to remind residents that the best way to learn more about what the BMA votes on each month is by signing up for the BMA Highlights newsletter.
Simply go to and enter your email address at the bottom of the page. Then after each BMA meeting, you’ll receive an email newsletter with a wealth of information, including:
- The agenda with vote tallies
- Photographs of major projects currently underway
- Updates on active projects within the city
- Copies of presentations given to the BMA
- The latest sales tax report
- Special awards, recognitions and proclamations
- Announcements on upcoming special events and activities.
“The BMA Highlights newsletter is a free resource that makes keeping up with your local government easy,” said Public Information and Communications Director Adrienne Batara. “You receive valuable and accurate city information delivered right to your inbox for reading at your convenience.”