“Planetary Visions” Return to Bays Mountain Planetarium
Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium brings a new alternative feature to the dome-screen starting Saturday, November 3. “Planetary Visions” will run through December 31.
Revisit this beloved program the planetarium first showed a few years ago on Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. through the end of the year. “Planetary Visions” is a fantastic, interactive program that is best described as an adventurous tour of the Solar System. With its whimsical, flying robot main character, Toggle, and the interactivity of the operator with the show and the audience, this is a treat for all who attend.
This program was produced by Bays Mountain Productions and highlights the incredible talents of the exhibits and planetarium staff. The program includes a live tour of the current night sky from the planetarium operator, who can answer any questions guests might have about what they see in the stars. The show runs about 40 minutes. All planetarium show tickets are $5.
The ongoing main feature at the planetarium, “Sunstruck,” plays Tuesday through Friday at 4 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 1 and 4 p.m. In this show, discover how the sun came to support life, how it threatens life as we know it and how its energy will one day fade away. This show also includes a night sky tour, and runs 40 minutes.
Bays Mountain also offers evening observing sessions through the end of November, called StarWatch. This free outdoor program allows the public to enjoy the splendor of the night sky at the park’s observatories. Visit the park Saturday evenings in November at 6 p.m. to gaze the moon’s craters and witness the celestial cycle of star birth and death. If the weather is uncooperative, an alternative activity will be held in the planetarium.
For more information on Bays Mountain’s planetarium shows, please visit baysmountain.com or call 423-229-9447.