Lynn Garden corridor study in development
The City of Kingsport has partnered with the Greater Kingsport Alliance for Development to create a corridor study for Lynn Garden Drive. GKAD is the non-profit arm of the Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
Kimley Horn, a Nashville-based consulting firm, will conduct the study. Work will include a site visit, market research and a review of the existing land use along both sides of Lynn Garden Drive. The study will include a list of parcels that are strong/stable, as well as those that are underutilized or susceptible to change.
Kimley Horn plans to investigate the baseline and historical conditions of Lynn Garden Drive, document several demographics in that area (household composition, income, education and tenure) and then analyze the short and long-term potential for the corridor.
The study will take approximately eight months to complete with a projected end date of June 2023. Once done, Kimley Horn will present the city with a final plan that will include land use and development options, key catalyst sites, renderings for select locations along the corridor and ideas for public sector improvement projects.
Workshops will be held with the community, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Kingsport Regional Planning Commission. Kingsport has created a phase one redevelopment district for Lynn Garden. Kimley Horn will work with the city in creating the boundaries for phase two and three.
“Lynn Garden is well-situated for redevelopment and serves as a gateway into the heart of the city,” said Assistant City Manager Jessica Harmon.
The study will cost $105,000 and was paid for with American Rescue Plan Act funds.