Kingsport Senior Center to hold annual Spring Artisan Fair
The Kingsport Senior Center is hosting a one-day Spring Artisan Fair this month, showcasing the artistic creations of our local senior citizens.
The fair will take place in the atrium at the senior center (1200 E. Center Street) on April 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Come out to the senior center and enjoy browsing through the many baskets, greeting cards, woodworking items, hand sewn and crocheted items, and much more for sale. All of these handcrafted items were made by our wonderful Kingsport Senior Artisans.
For more information about the event call (423) 765-9047. For information about other events, activities and programs at the Kingsport Senior Center, please visit