Kingsport hosting new “Chasing Santa” bike ride
The Kingsport Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a “Chasing Santa” bike ride this Saturday at the Kingsport Greenbelt.
This free holiday-themed event will take place on December 16 at 1 p.m. (for beginners) and 2 p.m. (for intermediate riders) at the Holston Valley Drive Trailhead.
Participants will need to bring their own helmet and bike and riders are encouraged to decorate their bikes with a Christmas theme. A helmet must be worn during the event.
After the ride, participants will get to enjoy hot chocolate and cookies and Santa himself will read “The Night Before Christmas” (to the beginners group).
Though the event is free, Kingsport Parks and Recreation officials are asking folks to register to know approximately how many people will be showing up.
To register, visit You can also click on the CivicRec link in the Connect Kingsport app or go to and click on the “CivicRec” link, then search for “Chasing Santa” in the search bar.
For more information about other events and programs offered by Kingsport Parks and Recreation, visit