Kingsport City Schools Recognizes Kingsport BOE during School Board Appreciation Week
KINGSPORT, Tenn. ‚¬ The Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) has set January 25 – 31, 2015 as School Board Appreciation Week in Tennessee as a time to build awareness and understanding of the vital function an elected board of education plays in our community.
Kingsport City Schools will be joining all public school districts across the state to celebrate School Board Appreciation Week to honor local board members for their commitment to children.
Kingsport is blessed to have such dedicated individuals who understand the correlation between education, quality of life and economic development; those three factors are a powerful combination, said Superintendent Dr. Ailshie. It takes strong schools to build a strong community, and these men and women devote countless hours making sure our schools are helping every child learn at a higher level, Ailshie said. They make the tough decisions and spend countless hours educating themselves on impact issues and regulations in order to provide the kind of accountability our citizens expect.
Ailshie said the key work of school boards is to raise student achievement by:
• Creating a vision for what the community wants the school district to be and for making student achievement the top priority;
• Establishing standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do;
• Ensuring progress is measured to be sure the districts goals are achieved and students are learning at expected levels;
• Being accountable for their decisions and actions by continually tracking and reporting results;
• Creating a safe, orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach;
• Forming partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems; and
• Focusing attention on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining and revising issues related to student‚ ‚ achievement.
School board members give the Kingsport citizens a voice in education decision making. Even though we make a special effort to show our appreciation during this week, their contribution is a year-round commitment, said Ailshie. The members serving Kingsport City Schools are as follows: Carrie Upshaw, BOE president, Susan Lodal, BOE vice-president, Dr. Randall Montgomery, BOE immediate past-president, Todd Golden and Eric Hyche.
Read more about our BOE members, here.
The board meets on Tuesdays and Thursday each month, with regular monthly meetings on the first Thursdays at 7 p.m. and work sessions held the third Tuesdays at 6 p.m. The meeting includes a public comment period on agenda items.
The next scheduled BOE work session is Tuesday, January 20 at 6 p.m. located in the Tennessee Room at the KCS Administrative Support Center, 400 Clinchfield Street, third floor, downtown Kingsport. At this time, board members will be recognized for their work.
Kingsport‚ City Schools (KCS) is a public school district located in‚ Kingsport, Tenn., serving students in Sullivan and Hawkins county. The district is comprised of 13 schools, including a Pre-K, eight elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and a non-traditional school; with total enrollment over 7,100 students. The vision of Kingsport City Schools is to be,‚ Student Focused ‚¬¦ World Class.
KCS has been named the top school district in Tennessee as winner of the 2014 SCORE Prize District Award by the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) and has earned the 2014 Achievement Award in the annual Excellence in Tennessee Recognition Program by the Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence (TNPCE).
For more information on‚ KCS, visit‚, listen live on‚ WCSK 90.3 FM,‚ The Voice of KCS, read our blog, We Are KCS or call‚ (423) 378.2100.‚ Were social too; follow us on Facebook (Kingsport City Schools), Twitter (@KCS_District) and check out our YouTube Channel (KPTSchools).