East Tennessee Historical Society Honors Three Kingsport Residents with History Awards of Excellence
Knoxville, Tenn., May 7, 2014 ‚¬ The East Tennessee Historical Societys (ETHS) annual Awards of Excellence were presented at the organizations Annual Meeting on May 6, 2014 at the East Tennessee History Center.‚ Since 1982, the Society has been annually recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the preservation, promotion, programming and interpretation of the regions history.‚ Three Kingsport area residents were among the 21 award winners honored at the event.
- Brianne Wright, archivist for the Archives of the City of Kingsport & The Friends of the Archives, received an Award of Distinction for her leadership role in the development of two successful projects to increase awareness of the citys history. These included, Kingsport: A Walk Through Time and Rediscover Kingsport: Scavenger Hunt encouraging visitors to explore the historical landscape and stories of the city.
ETHS Executive Director Cherel Henderson commented on the award winners noting,
Brianne is commended for her research and creativity to encourage residents and visitors to learn more about the town’s history.”
About the East Tennessee Historical Society:
Established in 1834, the East Tennessee Historical Society has 2,000 members across the United States. Its active publications program includes the biannual genealogy magazine Tennessee Ancestors; the annual Journal of East Tennessee History; and Newsline, as well a other books pertaining to the regions history. The Society also sponsors the Museum of East Tennessee History, East Tennessee National History Day, and the family heritage programs First Families of Tennessee and Civil War Families of Tennessee.