Brickyard Park/Cement Hill Project Wins National Award
The City of Kingsport has received the Donald E. Hunter Excellence in Economic Development Award for the Brickyard Park/Cement Hill project.
Kingsport received the award this past week from the American Planning Association (APA).
This award honors a project or program that demonstrates vision, leadership, innovation and commitment to the field of economic development that has a strong foundation in planning principles.
Eligible nominations exemplify every single project element — high impact, originality, embraces equity and inclusion, high success and demonstrates a significant contribution to the community.
The award is named to honor Don Hunter, a long-time planner and economic developer who contributed a great deal of his time and wisdom to the APA, including serving as Chair of the Division. Don Hunter passed away on December 30, 2009.
Other projects that have received excellence awards include:
– The U.S. Patent and Trademark office development by the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership (Alexandria, Virginia).
– Innovation Square by the University of Florida, City of Gainesville and the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency (Gainesville, Florida).
– The Chattahoochee River Whitewater Park (Columbus, Georgia).
“Kingsport is honored to receive such a prestigious award from the APA,” said Assistant City Manager Jessica Harmon. “Many people over the past several years have worked hard to create and develop the Brickyard Park/Cement Hill project. Every one of them should be proud of today’s announcement.”
The Brickyard Park/Cement Hill project includes a four-field baseball complex, a Miracle League field and all-inclusive playground, the new Scott Adams Memorial Skatepark and a bicycle pump track (construction to start fall 2022).
On the northern side of the property, Edens Investments of Raleigh, N.C. plans to bring 380 single family homes, duplexes, townhouses and apartments to a 30-acre site, calling the development Brickyard Village.
Kingsport obtained the 40-acre Cement Hill property from Domtar last year in exchange for Cloud Park. City leaders envision Cement Hill becoming a passive park for residents and visitors to enjoy while spending time downtown.
One final piece of the Brickyard puzzle is a proposed pedestrian bridge over the CSX railroad, which will tie the entire development to downtown. Kingsport received a $1.85 million state grant towards the $3 million bridge construction. This project is currently in the environmental impact phase.
“Kingsport has made strong progress on the development of the Brickyard property and significant work is expected to take place later this year,” said Steven Bower, business development specialist for the city, who oversaw Kingsport’s application for the award. “We think everyone will be thrilled with the results.”