Behind the Book Series: David Hrivnak
Join Kingsport Public Library and the Friends of the Kingsport Public Library for the next in the Behind the Book series on October 7 at 7:00 p.m. Behind the Book will feature discussions with regional authors and illustrators to find out more about their books. The discussion will be held virtually via Google Meet (link available at
David Hrivnak is the next author in the series. We will be discussing his book Driving to Net 0. Scientists say we need to reduce our use of fossil fuels by 80% or more to avert the most dangerous effects of global warming. But is such a drastic cut possible without totally disrupting our lifestyle? The short answer is yes as the contributors of this book have shown.
Upcoming Behind the Book discussions will feature David Hoover.
Visit the Library website, for more information or contact the Kingsport Public Library at 423-224-2539.