Kingsport Theatre Guild presents: “Til Beth Do Us Part”
Written by: Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten‚ /‚ Directed by: Joe Smith
If you enjoyed "Dearly Departed" you are in for another February treat!
‚¬Til Beth Do Us Part is a contemporary romantic comedy.‚ In the spirit of The Foreigner and The Nerd, the humor flies fast and furiously in this comic exploration of be careful what you wish for.
In todays high-pressure, overworked world, who hasnt yearned for someone to step in and manage his or her life?‚ Suzannah Hayden certainly has.‚ With a super-charged career demanding most of her attention and energy, she needs a lot more help on the home front than shes been getting from her husband, Gibby.‚ Frustrated by their inability to manage their household, Suzannahs capacity to tolerate Gibbys cheerful slovenliness is stretched to the breaking point.
For his part, the low-key Gibby suffers from that mysterious, and all-too-common malady known as O.M.S. ‚¬ Oblivious Male Syndrome.‚ Household chores piling up?‚ Errands need to be run?‚ Hell get around to it ‚¬ one day.‚ Yep, Gibbys all-man.‚ Besides, hes got other things on his mind, like hanging on to whats left of his career as weatherman at a local television station.‚ Lately, nurturing his marriage of twenty-seven years just hasnt been a high priority for Gibby, but pretty soon hell wish it had been.
Renaissance Center Theatre
Kingsport, TN
February 12 & 13 @ 8 PM
February 19 @ 8 PM
February 20 & 21 @ 3 PM
Adults $14
Senior/Student $12
Contact KTG directly at 423-392-8427 or purchase tickets online: