Kingsport City Schools To Host Brown Bag Lunches
KINGSPORT ‚¬ Parents and community members are invited to attend a series of Brown Bag Lunches hosted by Kingsport City Schools and the Kingsport Board of Education.
Participants are invited to bring a lunch and hear a short informal program on school-related topics. There will be a question and answer session following the program, and attendees are invited to share their thoughts with Kingsport City School administrators and Board of Education members.
The Brown Bag Lunch is an initiative of the Board of Education and school administration designed to promote communication between the community and the school system.
The first Brown Bag Lunch will be held on Wednesday, August 12 at Dobyns-Bennett High Schools culinary arts room from noon to 1 p.m.. The agenda for the session will include an introduction from Dobyns-Bennett principal Lenore Kilgore. The topic for the August session will be virtual/online learning options for Kingsport City Schools.
Other Brown Bag Lunches are scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. as follows:
Wednesday, September 9 ‚¬ Jackson
Wednesday, October 14 ‚¬ Lincoln
Wednesday, November 11 ‚¬Robinson
Wednesday, December 9 ‚¬ Jefferson
Wednesday, January 13 ‚¬ Roosevelt
Wednesday, February 10 ‚¬ Johnson
Wednesday, March 10 ‚¬ Kennedy
Wednesday, April 14 ‚¬ Washington
Wednesday, May 12 ‚¬ Sevier
An evening meeting, similar in format to the lunch sessions, will be scheduled for John Adams in the near future.
For more information, contact the Kingsport City Schools Community Relations Office at (423) 378-2123.