K.P.D. Starts a New Online Blog
KINGSPORT – The Kingsport Police Department has completely embraced social media and started a new blog.‚ This blog serves as a central hub to access the departments Website, YouTube Channel, FaceBook Page, Twitter Account, and R.S.S. Feed.‚ All K.P.D. e-Press Releases are being instantly posted to this blog, which in turn forwards the releases out to other social media sites.
K.P.D. invites citizens to visit www.KingsportPDBlog.com.‚ Once there, individuals are encouraged to enter their e-mail address and begin following the departments blog.
Following the Kingsport Police Departments blog will enable citizens to keep up with current activity and events relating to the department, as well as help them to be better informed in emergency situations.
The Kingsport Police Department realizes that a significant segment of the population looks almost exclusively to social media as their primary source of information.‚ In order for the department to be able to reach these individuals, starting this blog is an obvious step in the right direction.