Proposed Netherland Inn Rd. Roundabout
Proposed Netherland Inn Rd. Roundabout |
Key Facts
Netherland Inn Roundabout is designed to smooth the flow of
Currently, traffic stacks excessively on peak hours as motorists
struggle with turning from Center Street to Netherland Inn Road, or from
Center to Industry Drive.
The Netherland Inn Roundabout will be about 40 percent larger
than the other modern Roundabout at Watauga Street.
Slip lanes from Center Street to Netherland Inn Road and from
Industry Drive to Center Street will allow this traffic to avoid the
Roundabout completely.
However, all traffic will yield to motorists in the Roundabout.
Nationally, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, has found
that properly designed Roundabouts are proven to reduce serous crashes
by 76 percent, and reduce fatal or incapacitating injuries by 90
percent. Why? Because roundabouts reduce speeds and cut the number of
potential traffic conflicts.
For instances, a typical two-way
cross intersection presents 32 potential conflict points for traffic,
compared to 8 potential conflict points with a roundabout.
Roundabouts ARE NOT the same as traffic circles. Roundabouts are
designed with elements to slow traffic, and allow the free movement of
vehicles from the circular Roundabout to through roads.