PROJECT: DRUG DROP ZONE deemed huge success
PROJECT: DRUG DROP ZONE deemed huge success
179 pounds of unwanted and outdated Rx drugs collected
KINGSPORT — Kingsports inaugural medication take-back initiative, Project: Drug Drop Zone, has been deemed a huge success, according to Kingsport Police Department Community Relations & Crime Prevention Officer Tom Patton.
The event was held on Saturday, September 25th, 2010 in the parking lot of Rhoten Allstate Agency in downtown Kingsport, and in just three short hours, 179 pounds of unused, leftover, unwanted and/or expired medications were turned in by area citizens. These drugs were subsequently destroyed by the Kingsport Police Department.
Goals of the Project were to keep drugs off the street, prevent overdoses and accidental poisonings, and avoid environmental contamination, Morton said, adding that the Department beleives the event was a great first step in that effort.
The event was a cooperative community-wide effort sponsored by the Kingsport Police Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy at East Tennessee State University, South Central Weed and Seed, Kingsport Area Safety Council, Comfort Keepers, Medication Management Center, Sullivan County S.A.L.T. Council, New Vision Youth, Rhoten Allstate Agency, The Oaks, and Aid and Assist at Home.
Based on the extremely positive response to this event, Morton said the Kingsport Police Department is planning to hold similar events in the future.