Kingsport City Schools Announces Achievement/Gap Closure Results
KINGSPORT – Students in Kingsport City Schools showed significant achievement gains in the areas of math and science, as reflected in 2013 TCAP scores released by the State of Tennessee Department of Education.
KCS students improved in all tested math subgroup categories, including Algebra I, Algebra II, and 3rd through 8th grade math. The largest gains occurred in Algebra I (14.1 percentage points), Math 8 (7.5 percentage points), and Algebra II (6.8 percentage points). Across all grade levels, Kingsport math students averaged over 12 percentage points above the state average, with Algebra II topping Tennessee students by over 32 percentage points.
We are pleased to see the hard work and dedication of KCS students and teachers is reflected in the positive results we are receiving from the state, said Superintendent Dr. Lyle Ailshie. KCS teachers, and all other educators, have not only embraced a common vision regarding what it takes to become a world class school system, they are also committed to helping students see the need to challenge themselves. Our most valuable resource is our educators and I couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments.”
Gains in Science were equally as impressive, with KCS students in 3rd through 8th grades improving in all grade levels except 5th, which still ranked 9.3 percentage points higher than the state average. Biology I was specifically noted for strong growth, rising 13.0 percentage points over 2012 scores, placing Kingsport 13.7 percentage points above the state average.
While this is just one measure of what is happening each day in our classrooms, it is an indicator that we are on the right track in providing a world class educational experience for every child in Kingsport, said Dr. Ailshie. These scores provide valuable information on where our strengths lie as a school system, as well as where we need to focus our improvement efforts.
One subject area specifically identified as a point of emphasis is Reading/Language Arts. Though scores improved in Reading/Language Arts grades 3-8, English I, III, and R/LA in grades 3, 5, 7, and 8, slight decreases were noted in grades 4 (-1.3), 6 (-1.5) and English II (-2.0).
KCS also showed significant improvement over 2012 in reaching its gap closure targets. Seven gap closure targets were met in 2013, with individual subgroups making significant advancements. All Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroups showed improved proficiency percentages from 2012 to 2013, with significant gains noted in the subject area of math. These students increased by 29.0 percentage points in Algebra I, 7.4 percentage points in Algebra II, and 11.1 percentage points in Math 3-8. They significantly outpaced students statewide, raking above the state average in Algebra I (+29.4 percentage points), Algebra II (+28.5 percentage points), and Math 3-8 (+22.5 percentage points).
Kingsport City Schools is a public school system located in Kingsport, Tenn., serving students in Sullivan and Hawkins county. The district is comprised of 13 schools, including a Pre-K, eight elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and an alternative school; with total enrollment reaching 6,500 students. The vision of Kingsport City Schools is to be, Student Focused -¦ World Class.
For more information on Kingsport City Schools (KCS), visit, listen live on, WCSK 90.3 FM, The Voice of KCS, watch KCS Today on Charter Channel 16 at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. or call (423) 378.2100. Were social too; follow us on Facebook, Kingsport City Schools and on Twitter, @KptSchools.