KATS looking to make memories in March
KINGSPORT – KATS will be hosting their Making Memories in March and Be Seen Wearing Green promotions in the month of March, offering multiple chances to win monthly bus passes as well as a lucky day for some of our Dial-A-Ride van passengers.
On March 1 through March 17, passengers who post one picture of themselves while riding the KATS bus or van on the KATS Facebook page will be entered to win a free April bus pass! Upon submission, photos will be reviewed for approval. If you submit a picture, please also submit your name and phone number in a private message on the KATS Facebook page so that we may contact you if you are a winner.‚ Be sure to like us on Facebook so you get the most current and accurate information about KATS!‚ In addition, passengers who wear green on Saint Patricks Day (Thursday, March 17th) can come into the station at 109 Clay Street to show off your green and fill out a brief entry form. The last way to enter for the monthly bus pass is for passengers to carry on their green KATS bags! By submitting a photo on Facebook, wearing green and carrying a green KATS bag, its a total of 3 entries per passenger! Dial-A-Ride van passengers are also eligible and will be able to celebrate a Lucky Day.
In a continued effort to highlight the many benefits of public transportation, KATS will be offering a series of monthly specials for the upcoming 2016 year. Many people enjoyed our Free February promotion which took place during the month of February.‚ Stay tuned each month to see what will be offered! Make sure you take advantage of these deals and tell your friends and family members. You can learn more about KATS at www.kingsporttransit.org.
WHERE: Route buses and Dial-A-Ride van service
WHEN: March 1-March 17th, 2016