K.P.D. Explorer Graduates from National Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Academy
KINGSPORT – During the week of July 5 through 11, 2015, Kingsport Police Department Explorer Rachael Barkley attended the National Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Academy at the United States Marshals Service in Washington, D.C.‚ She was one of thirty Law Enforcement Explorers from across the nation to be selected for this honor.‚ During her time at the academy, Rachael was chosen to command a wreath laying ceremony at the National Law Enforcement Memorial, and she was also selected to serve as class spokesperson at the graduation ceremony.
There are a total of three National Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Academies conducted each year by the United States Marshals Service, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, and the United States Army Military Police.‚ All three academies feature programs on the dynamics of leadership, physical training, and general law enforcement practices.
Rachael is an extremely mature and driven young lady.‚ A 2014 graduate of Volunteer High School, she joined the Kingsport Police Departments Explorer Post during her junior year and has since achieved the rank of Lieutenant.‚ Rachael is currently enrolled at East Tennessee State University, pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.‚ She aspires to one day become a Kingsport Police Officer.‚ Meanwhile, she has obtained her Unarmed Security License, and is employed by Mountain States Health Alliance as a Security Officer.
While many of her goals center around the Law Enforcement profession, Rachael is also extremely active in the Civil Air Patrol.‚ After receiving her Solo Flight Certification on her sixteenth birthday, she now serves as a Flight Officer with the C.A.P.
The Kingsport Police Department would like to publicly congratulate Rachael on her most recent accomplishment and thank her for her continued service.
In 1988, Employees of the Kingsport Police Department, with sponsorship and funding by the Fraternal Order of Police, established Law Enforcement Explorer Post #185.‚ Explorers are a branch of the Boy Scouts of America.‚ The purpose of the program is to allow young people, who are interested in a future career in law enforcement, the opportunity to learn and experience the many aspects of this profession.
The K.P.D. Explorer Post is open to area young people of good character between 14 and 21 years of age.‚ Anyone who may be interested in joining Post #185 is encouraged to contact K.P.D. Detective Justin McConnell for additional information.‚ He can be reached by phone at 423-229-9355 or by email at JustinMcConnell@KingsportTN.gov.
Please visit the following links for additional information regarding the Law Enforcement Explorer program:
Pictured left to right in the above photo: K.P.D. Explorer Rachael Barkley and Director Stacia Hylton, United States Marshals Service.